Experience Asha

As an experience going to Asha center is something else than just traveling & meeting new people. The experience of going in to a beautiful & peaceful forest in the nature is really relaxing. When you first go there and they give you a room you will probably feel like going to see the beautiful garden there. In the garden there is spring water coming down from the mountains & if you go little further you will find a source of drinkable water. In the garden there is also a small labyrinth, hobbit house & you can see neighbors sheep over the fens. As the trainings start in Asha you will first play some games to get to know everybody & to know their names. Games can feel little awkward but it’s okay to feel that way sometimes. After games & tour of the place it´s probably time to eat & the food is really amazing. 

The classes in Asha are very interesting & well planned. There is also good amount of classes & good amount of rest. I do think that they have had courses for long time so that’s why they know very well how much time to spend on something. When the nights come in Asha there is probably three type of people. Type ones are the ones who go to sleep. Second type is the ones who talk whole night & the third type are the ones who party in the kitchen. In Asha there are many very nice experiences what you will be excited about, like the day in the city, Bonfire night, movie night & the day in the forest. There are also many other amazing days & experience Asha is really different then just going to vacation.

